Freedom, a concept sought after by some many but what actually is it?
For a capitalist, liberal or conservative freedom is the ability to freely pursue one's self interests. Basically meaning you can do what you want, when you want. Now then in order to do this you kinda need money, with money comes power and so the aim of the capitalist is to gain as much power as they can, as in doing that they gain money and so from that the greater ability to be free and follow what they want to do. The capitalist's ability to do this off their own back is thought to be a great achievement.
But even though that is the most common definition of freedom, it is by far the only one. The Marxist, communist and Soavist definition follows as long the lines of a philosopher called Simone de Beauvoir (my current favourite- check out her works if you can, utterly remarkable), her philosophical teachings state that marxist freedom is actually the ability to do what you wish but with help. Co-operation and not money is the key to freedom in this case, the ability to gain what you wish by helping others, and allowing them to help you is the very core of marxist freedom.
You see its really the way in which its got that is the most important. Capitalists do it by themselves, and although that maybe great- what's the cost? If you're looking out for yourself, the sad truth is you rarely actually look where you're walking, you look forward to a brighter future but what is in your footfalls? Sadly capitalists often stand on people to gain their power and wealth, these may be employees they pay next to nothing so they (the owner) can gain a great profit margin, the owner may also stand on other and smaller competitors (small businesses) and put them out of business, they then start standing on the larger companies, putting their workers on the streets, or forcing their workers to have less wages because the larger companies owners want more profits. Its quite horrible because the workers lose all round- unless they join in on it, making them as bad as the owners.
Whereas through Marxist freedom everyone works together, no owners and no workers- just communes of people carrying out their jobs, helping one another. Sounds so utopic, a dream, a distant wished for fantasy- but is it so hard to grasp? In this day and age- yes. But its not out of our reach entirely. Communes exist, small but they do. If 1 person can change a mindset, then 1 person can change the world- its just whether or not YOU want to. I'm not suggesting some revolution, that's a last resort at the worst of times, simply talk, spread your dreams and from that your ideas; afterall you cannot kill an idea.
To continue with this theme of freedom, I'll discuss revolutionary action and freedom next.
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