Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Misconceptions of Laziness in Communism

Well first things first- try and look at what I'm about to say through a Marxist stand point. With ALL political ideologies, when not looked at the in proper concept of society then it simply falls apart.

Proper concept- with people in a Marxist society following the jobs and professions they wish to then the following in enabled and radically promoted.

Laziness would not exist in a Communist nation due to a lack of financial gain through working, and a Nanny State type of coping mechanism for those unable to work. The reason this wouldn't occur is simply, people seek a higher form of "payment" if you will. The pursuit of intellectual enlightenment is very much more important than the salary a person earns, with the people adequately looked after it allows the population to work and fulfil a decent continuous education.

Many philosophers and political theorists, myself included, seek ways to enlighten the people of a nation, this can primarily be done through the education system of a nation. Instead of our education system as it is; teaching people to pass exams, communists aim to teach people to learn, it is through this that deeper levels of thinking and thought are sought, scientists, philosophers, theorists of all types are moulded through this way of thinking, as well as a greatly improved national education. Teaching people to learn is certainly more beneficial to society as then it allows and in fact stimulates the nation, and planet (when universally acted on) as a whole to endeavour for a better future, and in this endeavour more beneficial technologies are created, ideas and concepts that today are thought to be ludicrous and fruitless, actually hold purpose and meaning- they are not merely the imaginings of a "deluded child" or the dreamings of an idealist, but in fact solid reality.

This sort of future does not come around through laziness, it comes around through following ones intellectual wishes and pursuits and applying the knowledge gained to the collective people. The individual follows what they wish to help the collective, and in turn the collective helps and enables them to continue, this is a Soavist and generally held communist ideal, but as an ideal it is limited to the mind, this is what the modern society does, tells a people to dream small so their education for work doesn't seem as fruitless as it ultimately is. Learning for a sole job and not advancing, it is not a life I would wish on any, and it can be broken through education. It sounds harsh I admit, and many do contribute towards the wider aspect of society, but even more do not, and cannot for them lack the means to, a means held from them in an education system that has failed them.

Next I will elaborate further on the failures of the education system, and the structure which permits such a system; neo-liberalism, the ideology to which governs not only this nation, but almost all of the developed nations around the world.

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