Tuesday 16 July 2013

Revolution and freedom's contradiction

Firstly I'd just like to say sorry for taking a while in putting this blog up, having lack of time and internet are appearing to be a continuing annoyance.

Well back to the point I was going to make- revolutionary action v.s. freedom- in particularly Marxist freedoms. These two form a deeply rooted contradictory point within the Marxist ideology, the point of fighting for everyone's freedom and maintaining a Marxist view of such freedoms.

The reason this is contradictory is because in a revolution, a state of war is declared and in such a civil war no one person can avoid it, should they be in that nation. This means people have to take sides and they will also have their lives taken if they're on the wrong side during an engagement. It doesn't matter who takes who's life, what matters is that civilians will be killed and lives are lost. This is a frequently forgotten point of the "glorious communist revolution"- people will die. As the revolution is fought by us, we are in essence killing those people- and it is this which goes against Marxist freedom, a person cannot live in freedom if they're dead.

Freedoms themselves must be fought for but not acted upon during a revolution. A dictatorship must be formed to effectively and successfully conduct a war, it is no place for communal debates or prolonged discussion. Time is life and death and tough decisions must be made during combat, decisions which must be made by revolutionaries- not the people who are to live in the post-revolutionary world.

A revolutionary can never live happily in the society they aim to bring around, this is why being a revolutionary requires the utmost sacrifice. A revolutionary is a warrior and a warrior can not live in peace- it is not right to expect that of warriors. A revolutionary brings about the society they cannot live in because it is their duty to help provide for mankind's future, they have done their bit and cannot do more. One can only hope the descendants of revolutionaries, know what they're made of when it comes to forming the new world to which they live in, warriors of peace- a more contradictory statement is rarely heard but it is true. People who fight for peace and freedom in the knowledge they will never live in it.

Being a revolutionary is to pursue revolution and uphold the ideal of freedom, this is how both are part of Marxist and Soavist theory. Either revolution or freedom may be pursued providing the ideal of the other is upheld. Those who is in the post-revolutionary freedom must still uphold the ideal of revolution should a darkness creep over their peaceful and free society.

Next week I intend to write further about revolution. It shall be on what to fight for and the Soavist theory of entrapment.

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