Friday, 31 May 2013


Well as promised a blog on different understandings of freedom.

Now freedom seems quite simple doesn't it, if one is free then one is free... But if its that simple and that straightforward, why on Earth would I focus on it? And no, the answer is not because I've a few screws loose.

The definition I gave above, if one is free then one is free is something called Liberal Freedom. Its the idea you've been brought up to believe in and follow, and it is the very foundations that capitalism is based on- one person using their freedom of choice to follow their wanting for more money etc- that's also called greed when it gets excessive. But in capitalism you're told greed is a good thing, something to be looked after and followed, follow your own personal wishes and desires.

But you see that maybe the society we live in today, but Marxism (the main form of Communism) and Soavism (the line of thought I follow) state a type of freedom known as Marxist Freedom. Now this is different to Liberal Freedom as it says you must look out for everyone around you. We say if one is free then ALL are free, we say you can lift yourself up by helping others left themselves up and by letting others help you do the same. Its all a matter of co-operation, not competition.

I mentioned competition because Liberal Freedom promotes greed, greed meaning you desire so much of something, now as is common, many people want many of that thing. Lets call the thing money. Many people want allot of money, and in doing so they compete to get the most money, even when it becomes pointless (by pointless I mean more money than they could ever spend to live comfortably). This competition is exactly what Marxists and Soavists say is completely unnecessary, if a group of people co-operate and work together, we think that is much healthier for humanity as a whole, than everybody out for their own interests and looking out for Number 1.

So that right there is freedom from a Liberal stance and from a Marxist stance. The former being looking out for yourself, the latter being looking out for everyone.

I hope that gives you something to mull over.


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