I'm writing now to talk about the recent brutal killing of a British solider. This post is less on the incident but on the social and political repercussions of it.
I watched this 20 minute video about the killing- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7cmijwvpD4
And to the majority of it, this is my response. Now then its not completely in depth as I was just watching and not analysing, yet nonetheless here it is.
"I won't lie I can agree with some aspects of the interview
but the vast majority of I dispute for its exaggeration, scaremongering and
general hypocrisy. Now granted as has already been put forward, re-wording and ignorance of him and
the EDL may be needed, so taking that into consideration you can rule out hypocrisy.
There is one thing I do strongly agree with him on; "we
are at war". Now before you go and think on that as a warcry, take into
consideration the atrocity he is talking about. Now I'm not condoning it in ANY
way shape or form as it is was truly horrific and that cannot be disputed, yet
on the same level we are at war and it was a soldier who was the victim here,
by the general rules of civilised warfare the act of killing an enemy soldier is justified, not by any means in the way to which it was done, but the actual
act itself. Granted I too agree that the government needs to do more about it
as we are at war, but who with? Radicalised Islam, in the same way with
radicalised religion in general, NOT all of Islam, nor all of religion.
He is creating a common enemy to which he wants a rallying
call- that enemy being Islam. That goes against the very nature of a
multi-cultural, free, democratic nation; scapegoating an entire religion. It is
this behaviour in-of-itself that catalyses radicals, this hatred breeds further
radicalism. This speech, himself, the EDL and ANY genuine supporter of all that
is said is part of the problem, not the solution because in neglecting your
logic you fuel the thing you're trying to attack. If you're going to attack
something then attack the threat- radicalised Islam, take away their fuel i.e.
British military intervention, take away the actual concept of the war to which
we are fighting and then proceed to take
out radicalised Islam through force and education- IF it has not died out in
this nation already by then."
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